Celebrating Doctor's Week with Dr. Milind Dhond


Photo of Dr Dhond

A celebratory interview with Dr. Milind Dhond MD, a Cardiologist at Plumas District Hospital. 

Who are you and what do you do?
I am Mil Dhond. I am a Cardiologist who lives in Davis, California. 我见过有心脏病、心律失常、心力衰竭和冠心病的人. 我每两周就来昆西和格雷格尔为病人做门诊和研究, and then I go back to Davis. 除此之外,我还在加州费尔菲尔德的一家地区医院定期执业. 我也是加州大学戴维斯分校的一名教授,每个月在那里教一次课.


I am originally from England. 在我完成加州大学戴维斯分校的心脏病学培训后,我需要一张绿卡. 这需要在农村地区工作,实际上是在波尔托拉. 最初,波尔托拉的医院没有足够的工作. So, I reached out to Dr. Jeff Kepple about 23 years ago, “you know, I am going to be here for 3-5 years, 你想让心脏病专家每周来普拉马斯区医院一次吗?“所以我来到这里,开始建立心脏服务,包括新的回声机和跑步机. I was coming here once a week, and after I got the green card five years later, I decided that I quite liked working here. Even though I moved to Davis, 我说过我会每隔几周来一次,我已经这样做了17年了.

What drew you to providing care in our community? 

最初的原因是绿卡的要求. After I got the green card, I could have said adios! 但是,我发现我其实很喜欢这个地方,我在这里找到了一种幸福的感觉. When I am here, it is quite odd. 诊所和工作都很忙,但我有放松的感觉. 比起在城市生活的压力,在这里开车,我有一种自然的平静. That is why I keep coming back. The people are also different. The general person here is more salt of the earth. There is a homeliness about working here. 农村医疗的问题通常是你在一个地方工作的时间越长,它就越普通, because you know everybody. There is a familiarity with it. 这里的人很好,员工也很好,所以在这里工作很容易.


我真的很喜欢这个地区的自然美景,而且它很安静. 如果你去太浩湖,那里有自然美景,但那里也有大约1000万人口! Whereas Quincy is off the beaten track. 每当我告诉别人我要去昆西或格雷伊格尔时,他们就会问“哪里??“所以你有自然美景,有安静,没有人群.

You have been commuting from Davis to Quincy, for seventeen years, in all seasons, including snow and rain. 你能描述一下你在上下班途中的一次死里逃生吗?

有一次,70号和80号公路因暴风雪而关闭, and I decided to take 162, (巴克斯湖高速公路)没有意识到从奥罗维尔到巴克斯湖的情况. 尽管我有四轮驱动,我的车还是陷进了雪堆里. 然后我不得不走了大约三个小时,甚至有一次被美洲狮跟踪. 幸运的是,我遇到了雪地摩托,他们带我去了巴克斯湖. 他们告诉我,我的车整个冬天都要停在那里. Thankfully, the Sheriff came to my rescue. I saw him and he said “hey”, and then I said “hey!” The Sheriff happened to be one of my patients. He then towed my car out with a snowcat. It was fortunate; otherwise, I would have been trapped.


心脏病学主要是一门与手术交叉的医学专业. 这涉及到很多技术,比如超声波、起搏器、关节成形术和除颤器. 这是一个非常有趣的领域在这里你可以看到心脏功能的各个方面. 心脏病专家唯一不会做的就是开胸手术. 否则,心脏病的所有其他方面都由心脏病专家处理. 比如电干扰,心脏阻塞,心力衰竭. The heart is quite a simple organ. 只有那么多事情会让心出问题.


心脏病学是一个有很多程序的领域,这是我喜欢的. You are not in the clinic all of the time. 程序带来了精神压力和回报,因为这是一个技术领域. 除此之外,心脏病学是一个发展非常迅速的领域. 例如,我现在做的程序是我完成最初培训时没有发明的. 我还参与了费尔菲尔德和加州大学戴维斯分校的研究和创新. 正是在这些方面,心脏病学一直让我感兴趣.

What do you find challenging in the work that you do?

The inequity in the distribution of healthcare. 一些更具挑战性的情况是当我试图为病人获得药物时, but the cost of the medicine is so prohibitively high. 另一个具有挑战性的情况是,如果他们没有保险, and they need tests done or studies done. That ends up being the problem sometimes in medicine. 我知道这一点,因为我在国家卫生系统接受过培训并工作过, in England, for four years, where equity and access to care is not an issue.


这里的工作让我觉得很有回报,就是照顾人们很多年,你几乎把他们当作家人一样了解. You know what I mean? 我有三个孩子,病人会问我的“新”孩子,现在我的孩子要上大学了. 你有很长一段时间跟随别人的特权,并在他们生命的各个阶段照顾他们. 
举个例子,在我50岁生日的时候,我就在普拉马斯县. 我住在格雷伊格尔的朋友们带我去库奇亚斯吃饭. I knew every single person in that restaurant. They all came up to congratulate me and say hello. That would never happen anywhere else.

Dr. 霍德,非常感谢你对全球网络赌博平台社区的贡献. Happy Doctor’s Week!

Learn more about Dr. Milind Dhond.

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